Saturday, October 9, 2010

loooovvveee pasta

I just wanted to have a little blog post to let everyone know how sweet my boyfriend is:) yes i know you may be gagging...but...owell;) he gets up early on fridays (when he doesnt have to) just to take me to class so i dont have to walk...he surprises me with reeses...he makes sure i know that im beautiful every day...pumps my gas so i dont have to get out of the car...spends every second he can with me...and sooo much more!!

A couple of weekends ago we had a date night and ate the "love" pasta that i brought back from italy and then watched letters to juliet...pasta in the US just cant compare!!!! sure your sick of reading this but...he is sweet:)


  1. so sweet... he sounds like a keeper :)

  2. I'd like to take credit for his sweetness.. but I would be lying. My brother is such a sweetie :)
