Thursday, September 20, 2012


So tonight I feel like writing about teaching. Yesterday was a hard day for me. I had more than one student get "attitudes". This is pretty normal in the middle school setting but I guess I just wasn't in the mood for it. There are several things that I don't tolerate from my students but one of the biggest things is talking back to me. I always say, "I don't argue with children", and leave it at that. Yesterday, one young man didn't want to tuck his shirt in and gave a big oooooookkkkkkkkaaaayyyyy when I asked him to do it. Of course I said, "You mean yes Ma'am." Anyways, some days attitudes just get to me more than others. Right now, Pastor Steven at Elevation is leading us in a series called Greater. Greater in worldly standards means a bigger house or a nicer car but for our church greater means God doing great things through us for his kingdom. The Lord has called me to teach middle school. As we've started going through the series I've been pondering on how God can do great things through a simple teacher. For the past several years, both Bradley and I wanted to go into the ministry. Either being missionaries or possibly going on staff with Cru. The Lord has been slamming some of those doors shut recently. It has definitely been made clear that I am to teach. The Lord has been opening my eyes to how I can glorify him in my teaching. One awesome thing about being a science teacher is that I can show my students how amazingly our world has been put together. From Earth being able to sustain life to how gravity keeps them on the ground. All of these things show God's sovereignty. Even though I can't tell them this, I can pray for the holy spirit to reveal it and I do. You can also pray specifically for this. Another way the Lord is revealing how to glorify him in teaching is to love. Which of course he calls all of us to do. It can be challenging to show love to the student who smacks their lips at you or rolls their eyes. But then there are those students who have no love at home, Who don't eat except when there at school. We get the opportunity to show the grace of God to those kids. From words of affirmation to quality time, we teachers have great opportunities. I just wanted to share a little of what the Lord has been teaching me though his word and my church. I also wanted to encourage the other teachers out there who may wonder how they can glorify God is a place where it seems restricted. Thank you Lord for your provision!

1 comment:

  1. God has absolutely called you to teach! It is very obvious to your mother. So thankful for the influence you have on your students-even though they and others may not "recognize" it! I love you!
