I posted on Facebook that I was going to be making poo with my kids on Monday and Tuesday. A few people asked how I would be doing that. I thought I would document the lab with pictures and share. I know there are some home-schoolers out there or maybe future homeschoolers. If you teacher Science you may like it! I tell the other teachers who think that I invented this that I am NOT creative enough. It's called GOOGLE and Teacher Planet. I just modify it to fit my students. It was a high school lesson that I made effective for my 12/13 year-olds.I always put lab materials in kits (trays in this case) for my kids. They would go CRAZY if I didn't. Those crazy kids need organization:) Here are the materials:
Food(Crackers, cookies, lettuce, etc.)
Food Coloring
Utensil (fork or spoon)
Funnel ( I cut the tops off of bottles)
Paper rolled up and taped
Baggy that zips
Knee Higs
Paper towels
Step 1: Students mash food (crackers or chips) in a cup with a utensil. Ask what do you think this represents in the digestive system?

Step 2: Students add water with a dropper. What does this represent? Spit of course! BUT...what is the scientific name for spit? What is the enzyme released in saliva that breaks down carbohydrates? Amylase.

Students funnel the food mixute down the paper tube and into the baggy. What does the funnel represent? (Back of the throat) What about the tube? (Esophagus) The baggy?(Stomach) Have the students knead the bag. This represents the churning of the stomach.

Students add food coloring to represent enzymes, mucus, and stomach acid.

Tell students that the mixture in the stomach is called Chyme.

One student holds the panty hose while another cuts a hole in the bad and drains the chyme.
They will lay the hose on the paper towel. What does the pany hose represent? ( Small Intestine) What about the paper towel? (Large Intestine)

The final result is POO. You can have them cut it open to look at it. My kids are a little young to handle playing with the final results. We threw ours away quickly:)
never thought poo could be so much fun! And what a creative use of knee highs!
ReplyDeleteewwwww. but thats a really great project to do with middle schoolers! i can see them eating that up (hopefully not literally haha!)
ReplyDeleteI had several actually ask to eat it. Only in middle school!