Sunday, September 27, 2009

Group Picture from Fall Getaway

The group from UNCC at Fall Getaway '09 (minus a couple due to sickness:/)

Fall Getaway!!

Kaitlin and Kayla
Kaitlin and Caitlin :)

most of the UNCC girls

some of our beautiful new freshmen girls

Catlin, Jessica, and Alisha

Random Craziness!
This weekend we went to Fall Getaway at Camp Thunderbird on Lake Wylie. It was AMAZING! We spent the weekend learning about the Old Testament and where to find the Messiah within it. We all learned so much! We all spent the weekend praying and recognizing what the Lord is stirring our hearts about. Do you know what he wants you to do and just need to take action or are you waiting upon the Lord with patience for him to tell you where to go? We all fit into one of these two scenarios. For me, TIME TO TAKE ACTION:)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday Nights @ 7

Brother and Sister!

Name Tags
Chubby Bunny -takes me back to Stupid Shay Games:)

The New Student Union (view of the inside from our room)


View from our room! ( view of outside from our room-new side of campus)

Our weekly meetings are every Tuesday night at 7pm. This year we meet in the new student union! It is huge! Tonight a man who serves in East Asia with his family through Campus Crusade came to speak about the importance of taking the Gospel to the nations. He has been serving there for 12 years! It was a message that everyone benefited from no matter where the Lord is leading them.
This weekend is Fall Getaway! We have over 20 freshmen going with us! Pray that the Lord will do great things in all of our lives this weekend.
Psalm 67
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us,
that your way may be known on earth, and your saving power among all nations.
Let the peoples praise you O God; let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity
and guide the nations upon earth.
Let the peoples praise you O God; let all the peoples praise you!
The earth has yielded its increase;
God our God shall bless us.
God shall bless us; let all the ends of the earth fear him!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fun Weekends :)



We've tried to plan things on the weekends for people to do since a lot of people leave and we are poor...haha soo we've played capture the flag and ultimate frisbee the past couple of weekends. It's been a lot of fun! I'm not good but it's still fun to play and laugh... here are some pictures:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Few Weeks...

Volleyball Wednesdays
Intense discussion at the Belk Tower:)

Pizza Party
I don't have a lot of pictures..mainly because I forgot to take them:) But here are a few from the pizza party. You can see the people from India in some of these pictures. They liked our pizza and ice cream! haha They are grad students from Mumbai. They were so much fun and some discussions about Christ were initiated. It really was a great time. We also have volleyball every Wednesday afternoon.
UNCC is growing bigger and bigger every year. It is the 4th largest school in the state. Over 6,000 new freshmen came in this year. This is a huge mission field and we believe that God can do great things. Please pray for our ministry.
O Lord God almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you. Psalm 89:8

Forty-Niner New Year

I'm finally getting to post about the start of the new school year! It has been a CRAZY past few weeks. All of us on leadership for campus crusade are excited to see what the Lord has done. We have been praying as a team for a while now that campus crusade on UNCC's campus would be exactly what the Lord wants it to be. We want to use our ministry to glorify God no matter how big or how small. At the end of my Freshman year there were only about 20 people attending the weekly meetings. We spent most of my sophomore year evaluating and praying about what the Lord would have us do. After months of praying and planning God has allowed us to see some of the harvest:) For the past few meetings we have had close to 100 people coming to our weekly meetings and close to 20 people attending each community group. It may not sound like much compared to some of the other crusades in the state but we are SUPER excited and blessed. We are so thankful that the Lord has allowed us to see growth. Thanks to all who have prayed for this ministry!