Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A CRU Thanksgiving...

Sunday we had our annual Thanksgiving dinner for CRU. It was delicious and a good number showed up considering it was Sunday and a lot of people had tests to study for before the break. Josiah's parents let us use their house since none of our apartments could hold all of the people.We had some very good food and were very surprised at what some of the guys brought. Who knew they could cook so well?!

Sara, Kaitlin, and me
The group

Hello Christmas Tree!

Monday night, Kaitlin and I decided to put up our Christmas tree. We found some really nice guys to help us put it up! Last year we had A LOT of difficulty trying to get it up and lit ourselves. NOT THIS YEAR!! It was easy and we had tons of fun decorating it. Kaitlin's cousin was nice enough to give us her old pre- lit tree last year. It's huge and we love it!

The Guys at work
Our beautiful tree!

Bradley and I

Kaitlin and Brian

Friday, November 20, 2009

CRU Community Groups

Campus Crusade on our campus has community groups for freshmen and upperclassmen. I have had the privilege of leading a freshmen ladies Bible study on Thursday nights at 5:00pm. It has been amazing. I get to spend time in the Word with some awesome girls every week! Last Thursday we had them all over to our apartment for dinner. We had a blast eating and playing catch phrase. I love these girls and I am so glad I have had the opportunity to spend time studying God's Word with them!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kaitlin's Birthday and Halloween

October was a crazy month for me! I have been so busy with school. We have been having a lot of fun events with Campus Crusade. Last weekend we went to a corn maze and had a bonfire afterwards. We had a ton of freshmen go! On Halloween we had a party with snacks, games and scary movies at mine and Kaitlin's apartment. It was tons of fun! On October 25th Kaitlin had her 20th birthday. I threw her a birthday party because she is so awesome:) There were caramel apples and a pumpkin cake! I have known Kaitlin since we were about 6 years old. We grew up right down the street from each other. We would ride bikes and play in the woods. We reconnected our senior year of high school and decided to live together when we found out we were going to the same college. This is our third year living together and she is the best roommate EVER!!

hayride to the corn maze
Kayla and Scott

Kaitlin, me, and Lydia (I was a plumber...there is plumber gear in my pocket:)

boys never grow up;)

The Cat and the Hat

Brian's 49er pumpkin

Kaitlin and her awesome cake!

People in Campus Crusade are amazing.