Monday, October 17, 2011


In 2007, I visited a country that captured my heart. It's been almost 4 and a half years since I first stepped foot in Slovakia and not a day has gone by where I didn't think about that wonderful place. I met a precious friend, Zuzana, on my first visit. She was my age and our mothers were born on the same day in the same year! Pretty cool! We met because she was in a class that my mom and I attempted to teach English!;) She was such a sweet spirit and we were able to form a friendship that still exists today. On my last visit, she shared with me that she was now a believer in Christ. The Lord is so good! The Lord has used SK to teach me many things about Himself. His faithfulness to the nations. His love of people and culture. He showed me a love for the people of Europe. I've watched the Lord provide the country two more missionaries who love SK as much if not more that I do. I can't help but wish (on a daily basis) that I was there. It's been such a battle. My heart LONGS to be there. I've been blessed with a husband who also loves the Lord and the nations. Together we've been praying about what the Lord would have us do. Slovakia is on both of our hearts. We are searching for ways to go...and soon. Campus Crusade no longer sends STINTers to SK. The IMB has done away with a lot of its 2-3 year programs. Obviously the Lord has his own plans. Please continue to pray for us...and if you know of any ways to go...please let us know!:)

Zuzka and I when we first met in 2007
My Mom and I at church in Bratislava-it was our first encounter with Europe!

Two of my dearest friends who now BOTH live in SK!


My favorite Slovak dish!

In 2010 I was finally able to meet her family! Such sweet people!

Three Musketeer's

Isn't Slovakia BEAUTIFUL?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Caitlin, When Nathan and I went to visit last month we got to see Zuzana. She told us to give you a big hug, but I haven't seen you to be able to do so. Know that Slovakia loves you just as much as you love it!
