Saturday, January 23, 2010

I will be spending my summer in......


I just found out tonight that I will be spending the summer in Rome, Italy. It will be an amazing adventure. I'm excited to see what all the Lord is going to teach me. Please continue to pray for me as I begin to raise support:)


  1. Ahhh I'm so excited for you! Yay, Cait! :) I will definitely be praying for your support and for your time there!

  2. I'm excited about what God is going to do in your life this summer. I am thankful that he has put an urgency on your heart for bringing the lost to Christ! You know you always have our prayers. We love you!

  3. I LOVE Rome!!! You are going to have a blessed time and be a blessing to that city! I love you and I am so happy for you!!

  4. thanks girl!! I love you too!!:))

  5. very cool caitlin! i did a summer project in east asia with crusade and it was awesome. you'll love it!


  6. i have two friends going to east asia this summer:)
