Friday, May 21, 2010


Sooo today I was able to have my first spiritual conversations! It was great fun and great practice for the days to come. Italians are soooo friendly and will talk to you until they have to go somewhere else. I was actually able to use some of my spanish today! A girl that I talked to is actually from northern Spain. She was translating for her friend until I realized that her friend spoke Spanish. I was able to ask her some basic things. Apparently some Spaniards call Italian dirty Spanish haha (Charity:)) I thought you might enjoy that. I was honestly a little surprised with the city when I first arrived (yea I kno!) it has really grown on me in the past 24 hours though! The people make up for all of the grafiti. They literally do not eat anything BUT pizza and pasta like NOTHING else. You can pick up fruit at the market but as far as restaurants, you can expect carbs. AND another thing that surprised me was the pizza. I went in thinking it would be TOTALLY different. If you have eaten at the Italian Pizzeria in Durham, you have had the real thing for the most part. Pepperoni pizza doesnt exist...its just pizza with peppers on it. Another cool thing is the tomatoes on the pizza are legit a quarter of a tomato! yummy! I had a Magnum Bar Gold today...if you will be traveling to Europe this summer, you must check it out! Apparently it is new. There is a picture of the wrapper coming because I think it is so cute! Well thats all for now! Ciao:)


  1. Haha, Cait! I'm so glad you got to use some of your Spaing, and yes, I know, Spainards are proud of their language, and a bit cocky at times ;) But I must say both are awesome languages. I'm diggin' these posts, girl, keep 'em coming! Praying for you!

  2. It is refreshing to know that the Italian Pizzeria (my most favorite place to eat during our open lunch at Riverside) serves the REAL THING! HAHA! You're hilarious!
